It was not long time ago when I loved riding an elephant
whenever I could. I would take an elephant ride in Delhi, Kerala, or Kolkata
whenever I would get a chance. However, recently I read an article about the atrocities
done to the poor fellows and then went ahead to inquire more about it. In the
end, I felt ashamed that I had enjoyed being carried by the elephants on their
back in the past. I committed to myself that I would never do it again, and
spread the word about it so that the innocent animals are saved from the
brutalities of humans. Even if I can save one elephant for a moment, it would
be a feat well-achieved.
The baby elephants

Since adult elephants are difficult to tame, the mahouts
seize baby elephants using various illegal methods. They mistreat them, abuse
them, and hit them with clubs to bring about submissive behavior in them. The
pain is unbearable for the babies when the trainers pierce their bodies with
sharp bull-hooks. I could not imagine myself in a situation if someone deprives
me of sleep and does not give any food; the same treatment is given to these
poor animals.
Imagine when you are sick, and no one is there to take care
of you. Even if you have someone to care about you, he or she deliberately
doesn't do it. How would you feel? You will remember it all through your life.
The same is the plight of elephants; they never forget when the mahouts deprive
them of veterinary care purposefully. Elephants are compassionate beings at
heart; they never forget both the love as well as hate that they receive.
Whenever they are wounded, the mahouts do not provide them
with medicines just to save money. Since the elephants are deprived of their
natural habitats, they do not have any means to treat themselves in the jungle.
They have to depend on humans for their wellbeing, but hardly any organizations
or individuals treat the animals with love or let them be with other elephants.
Entertainment by

Other ways of
spending time with elephants
When I was in Kerala this time, I made sure to
stay away from the elephant's rides or any form of entertainment by the
animals. I took a Self Drive Luxury Car Hire to amuse myself rather than ride on the back of so-called well-tamed elephants. On the other hand,
I went to an elephant orphanage where they allowed the tourists to spend time
with baby elephants as well as adults. We could bathe them, feed them, and play
with them. We could do all of this under the guidance of polite mahouts so that
he could deal with the changing behavior of the elephants. It was fun to be
with the giant yet adorable animals like the way we did in Kerala. We spent two
days in their habitat and had a good time with them all with their consent.
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