Wednesday, 21 November 2018

How I Decide the Time of My Vacations

I have made a commitment to myself that I need to travel at least thrice a year, or maybe four times if I can manage. However, there have been times when I cannot decide the exact time of the year when I need to go on a vacation. Financial and social commitments subside my travel plans, and I have no choice but to cancel or postpone my plans. Even if I go to a nearest city for a weekend getaway, or just sit at the edge of a hilltop fort, I love the quiet time I spend with myself. However, whenever I start feeling the signs of mental burnout, I realize that it is high time that I should pack my bags to leave for a far-off destination.

The negativity creeps in

Whenever everything starts giving a negative impression, or the world starts feeling ugly, I know that I need to take a break. There have been times in office when the job that I love starts feeling boring, the friends that I have fun feel too poky, and the clothes that I wear don’t suit me anymore. I know at that time that the problem is with me, not the world.

The physical symptoms

The best part about being human is that I can think; I can analyze things, even though I may overdo it sometimes. My body does not make sense to me whenever the mental discomfort reaches the head, eyes, or legs. I realize that the body has started getting the signals from the mind that I should relax. I might sleep for the entire weekend without eating much, but the mind will still be occupied by the household chores.

The struggle to sleep is real

I have a serious problem of sleeplessness whenever I am struggling with an issue. I have spent many restless days and sleepless nights just because I could not stop thinking about the office politics, the unfulfilled ambitions, and even the grocery that I have to buy from the store. I know that I am being too foolish to behave like this, but just a weekend getaway can solve this problem. I like to sit on the edge of a fort and just be quiet for a while; it may not solve my problems, yet it gives my mind the much-needed relaxation.

Decision making is hampered 

It is not that I always make mistakes at taking decisions, but I do err a lot when I am restless in my mind. Simple things seem complicated to me. For instance, I forget how much sugar I had put in the pan while making tea, the number of pages I had counted while making files, the left turn I had to take while driving. I would brainlessly think about various things that do or do not matter. When my mind starts wandering, I know that I need to wander too. It is healthy to be on your own during the vacations and travel without an itinerary.

I have not been going to the gym lately, and I do not work out at home either. A simple walk to the grocery store seems difficult because my body feels heavy along with the mind. There have been multiple phases like this in my life of three decades, and I know that they are normal. I just need to book tickets to a new city or village, and free myself for a few days. I am no saint, but I love the solitary feeling for a few days. It is time to look for Self-Drive Cars in Mumbai and leave for the hills. Yes, I will be going soon!

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